Peru Day 4 (Wednesday)

Today we went to a government run orphange in the morning.
There were a lot of children that had downs syndrome and disibilities at this home (probably 15-20).
We broke up into 4 groups and did all of the program and then gave out the shoes to the children.
The little children with downs syndrome were sooooo sweet!
After our boxed lunch, we went to another government run home but this one was for boys that came off of the streets and were sent to the home by the court.
These boys were amazing!
They were just so sweet and their memory just amazes me!
We read the Hermie book and there are like 4 places in the book where God reassures Hermie and Wormie that He loves them just the way they are but he isn´t finished with them yet.
These boys (7 boys) memorized what God said to them after they heard that part ONCE!
They were saying it along with my translator.
They were just so sweet!
Tonight we said goodbye to 5 members of our team who are not going to Cusco with us. 
Tomorrow we leave the hotel at 3:30 in the morning to fly to Cusco.
Please pray for us that our trip will be uneventful and that everyone will adjust to the altitude.

15 years ago

1 Comment

  1. HI! God continues to bless you as He uses you to bless the little children. I'm praying for you my dear granddaughter. You are God's special gift. love always and forever, Mother

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