When we belong to God though, if we allow him to change us, we’ll grow into a person that is more and more like him. We don’t have to stay in the place where we were. We need to remember that changing might be a slow process though. Own up to your mistakes, make things right with the people you hurt, and move on.
And don’t get overwhelmed by the problems you see in your life. God will continue to work on you in his time, as he wants you to grow and when. Be proud of how you’re changing and the ways God is working in you. He loves you too much to leave you in the place you’re in. You will grow and learn, and sometimes it might hurt, but it is good.
God loves you and promises that he will perfect the good work that he’s done in you until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). He will keep his promise!:)
Isaiah 41:13
Ps. I updated this post 🙂 so thankful for how God wants us to be able to know him!