I will be going with Buckner International as a part of Project Go July 7th – August 7th. As an intern there we (me and a team of 3 other interns) will be working with the in country staff doing construction, teaching lessons, running Vacation Bible Schools and assisting with a short term missions trip.
I went to Peru in 2010 with Buckner and God used that trip to change my life! If you’d life to read more about that trip, scroll down and click on the Peru tag on the right side of my blog:)
I’ve been waiting for four years to be able to be an intern and I’m super excited to see how God will use this summer!
I would love it if you would support me! I definitely cannot do it alone!
Here are some ways to do so:
1. Pray for me! I can always use prayer! Some specific requests are that I would allow God to prepare my heart for this summer, that our team would connect well and that God would work in and through us.
2. Support me financially. I know it’s not an option for everyone, but it helps a lot! If you would like to receive a support letter, please email me your address to owls2fly@yahoo.com 🙂
3. Encouragement! Follow my journey on my blog, leave comments, tell me your stories of what God is doing:)
4. Buy a tshirt! These are currently in the works so I don’t have any details yet, but I’m working with www.fundthenations.com to make them, so I’ll have info out as soon as I get it:)
5. Support my local fundraisers. I don’t have details on these yet, but I’m working on a SweetFrog fundraiser and a yard sale.
Thank you!:)
Isaiah 41:13