Life Changes

As I head into another school year I just wanted to update everyone on where I am in life.  
Tomorrow I start the journey back to school.  I’ll be a senior at Grace College in Winona Lake, IN.  Lord willing, I’ll be graduating on May 13th of 2017 with my Bachelor’s in Counseling!
Jamie Tworkowski, the founder of To Write Love on Her Arms, says frequently, “We need one another.  There’s no reason to judge.  People are more fragile than you could possibly imagine”. 
This of one of his many quotes that I could use to sum up why I am so passionate about counseling.  No matter what we are currently going through, we need other people.  The end.  
Counseling is a great way to reach people with truth, and connect them with the resources that they need.  As Jamie said, “(i want) …to connect and be alive in this place, to listen and lean against the darkness, and to reach in if possible”.  God has given me a passion to connect with and encourage hurting people.  2 Corinthians 1:3-5 tells us that we have been comforted in Christ in order to comfort other people.  The pain that I have walked through in life gives me the opportunity to reach out to other hurting people.
I would love to work with teenagers and young adults in the mental health field.  Achieving my Bachelor’s degree is only one of the many steps in getting my license to counsel. Coming up next, I have  Graduate School.  
That has been on my mind a lot, and I would very much appreciate prayer as I start looking into schools.  As part of the application process I will need to take the GRE (Graduate Record Examination… essentially the SAT for grad school) and the GRE subject test in psychology.  It is a lot of studying to add onto my normal life, as well as a pretty large expense (the GRE is over $200, and the psych subject test is $150).
There are lots of options, with some being online Master’s programs, and others being moving across the country to spend five years in a blended Master’s & Doctoral program.  It is overwhelming, to say the least.  I am trying to rest in the knowledge that God knows what is happening in my life.  He knows where I am now, and has a plan for me that is greater than anything that I could ask or imagine.  It can still be a little scary at times!
If you are still reading this, than you must care a lot. THANK YOU.  Thank you for being a part of my life in your own special way.  You have a unique purpose, and this world needs you.
I never would have made it this far without my parents.  Thank you for loving me, even though you knew and saw me in my most unloveable moments.  Thank you for giving me to God even before I was born.  I know it isn’t easy, but because of that you encourage me to follow my passions and whatever God calls me to.  Thank you.  I didn’t realize how much I appreciated this until I had friends whose parents are not supportive of them following God.  Thank you.
Thank you, Olivia, for living with me these past two years, and signing on for a third.  I’m pretty sure that I would have dropped out without your encouragement and kindness.  Thank you for reminding me to just turn in the papers that I am crying over, encouraging me to love on the people around me, and going on so many adventures together.
I could thank so many people who have had an impact on me, but I’ll save that for more personal moments.  Just know that I am SO grateful for each and every one of you.
Ways that you can support me:
1. Pray for me.  Pray that I hang in there for this last year of undergrad.  Pray that I use the impact that I have in each of my jobs for good, and to point people to Christ.  Pray that I have the money to take my tests.  Pray that I pass all of my classes (fingers crossed).  Pray that I can be patient and follow God’s leading.  
2. Send me mail.  I hate asking because I feel needy, but honestly, mail is probably what makes me feel the most loved.  Some days it is very hard to be in Indiana and not in Pennsylvania with my family, or in any of the other states or countries that I have left pieces of my heart in.  Even simple three sentence cards are a reminder that I am loved and cared for, that people remember me.  
My address is:
Moriah Conant
Box #58
200 Seminary Drive
Winona Lake, IN 46590

3. I am trying to earn an Origami Owl kit through this online party in order to start selling it.  Hopefully this will help pay for some of the tests and extra expenses that I have.  If you want to place an order to support that, I would appreciate it (or if you just want to help me pay for the kit).  

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I am so grateful for all of the people that God has put in my life.  
9 years ago

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