Although I own a large collection of books, there are always more that I want to read and/or buy. Since I (unfortunately) do not have a limitless supply of money to buy books with, I have found a number of resources to experience new books when you don’t have extra money.
*Disclaimer: As a creative, I highly recommend purchasing books, music, handmade items, and artwork whenever possible. In order to be able to make a living, we need people to support us. However, I do understand that sometimes people are unable to do so monetarily. A later post will cover ways to support creatives without money, so be on the lookout for that.*
These are some resources that I have found to be helpful when I can’t spend money on more books:
Amazon Prime Reading: While I personally have not used this much, Amazon Prime memberships include some magazines, books, and reading materials. Click here to see what is offered.
Goodreads: This is my favorite way to keep track of books I’ve read and books that I want to read in the future. I also find a lot of new books to read when browsing the sight. Sometimes there are even small samples of books available to read on the site so that you know whether or not you will enjoy the book. Goodreads also has a section on their site where authors and publishers can run giveaways. I enter lots of giveaways, and actually won a book one time!
If you click on this link, you can make an account and be my friend to see books that I enjoy and my thoughts on them.
Library: This is definitely a classic, but it’s still a great resource. There are books, audiobooks, Playaways, magazines, CDs, and more to borrow and use. You can Google libraries near you to find one!
Overdrive: I have access to this app/website through my library card and I absolutely love it. I’ve borrowed lots and lots of audiobooks to listen to while doing mindless tasks with my hands. They also have ebooks available, but I really struggle to focus while reading them so I prefer actual paper books or audiobooks.
Are there any resources that you enjoy and I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!

Posted In: Reading